
12 Essential albums for Christmas
1 December 2016 | Renier Delport |
Christmas is once again upon us and decorations and preparations are seen almost everywhere. In the spirit of Christmas and its activities, here is my list of 12 essential albums for Christmas this year. Read more...
3 reader(s) found this helpful so far.Collections(s): Blog, Music
Tagged with Christmas, Holidays, music, seasonal greetings, videos
WTF is the Raspberry Pi?
20 April 2015 | Renier Delport |
So I'll be raving a lot about this little PC, so I think it's worth referencing directly in all related posts. What exactly is the Raspberry Pi? Read more...
2 reader(s) found this helpful so far.Collections(s): Blog, Home Automation, Microelectronics, Raspberry Pi, Tinkering
Tagged with Linux, Micro SD card, Raspberry Pi, YouTube, coders, microelectronics, videos