Try one of’s online software and skills learning courses
6 August 2020
Ad: Improve your knowledge on anything from programming to business skills with’s huge range of professional video courses. More…
25 July 2019 | Updated 10 October 2019
In Blender, cameras are used to capture scenes and each scene can have one or multiple cameras. Because the camera is such an important component, this post gives some tips about using cameras in Blender. More…
Resampling image sizes for print - basic principles
Resampling image sizes for print: basic principles
18 February 2019
The quality of digital images is generally designed to look good on screens. However, when it comes to printing these images, there are some basic principles that one needs to understand to optimise their quality, file size and resolution. This post will discuss some of the basics of resampling digital image sizes to be used for print. More…